Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Peak Flow Meter

A peak flow meter can be used at a clinic or at home to measure how well you are breathing. • Peak flow can be useful in identifying triggers.
• If a peak flow meter is used every day at home, you can find breathing problems even before you start to wheeze or cough.A drop in peak flow is a good way to recognize early signs of a coming asthma attack.
• Peak flow and the symptoms you are having help your provider decide if you are having an asthma flare.
• It helps to see how severely an asthma attack is affecting you.
• It helps the provider see how your asthma can be controlled over time.
There are many kinds of peak flow meters.
How To Use a Peak Flow Meter
Your asthma is not like anyone else’s, so you will need to discover your own personal best peak flow.

• Find your peak flow number in the morning and evening.
• Hold the meter next to the chart each time you blow to make
it easier to record the number.
• Circle the highest number of three blows. This is your peak flow.
Slide the marker down as far as it will go.
This sets the meter at zero.
Stand up. Take a deep breath in, and blow
all the way out as far as possible.
Then take as deep a breath in as possible
with your mouth open.
Place the meter in your mouth and close
your lips around it to form a seal. Your
tongue should be away from the hole.
Keep your fingers away from the markings.
Blow out once as hard and fast as you can.
Don’t touch the marker, and write down
the number you get.
Repeat twice. Reset the marker to zero each
time. Write down the number each time.
Your peak flow is the highest of these
three numbers.
• Find your peak flow number in the morning and evening.
• Hold the meter next to the chart each time you blow to make
it easier to record the number.
• Circle the highest number of three blows. This is your peak flow.

How To Establish Your Personal Best Peak Flow:
When your asthma is under control, record your peak flow twice daily for 2 weeks. Measure your peak flow at the same time of day, as peak flow is lowest in the early morning and highest between 12:00 noon and 5:00 PM. The highest number during those 2 weeks will be your personal best peak flow. Reestablish your personal best peak flow with new peak flow meters. Children need to reestablish their personal best peak flow every 6 months to allow for lung growth changes.

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